Medical disclaimer and health warning


Neither Claude La Roche, Jaime Vendera, or any guest coaches/singers on the different platforms of Colors of Your Voice are medical doctors unless stated otherwise.  Be advised, we do not diagnose medical conditions or offer any kind medical advice or treatment. By using Colors of Your Voice, YOU UNDERSTAND that it is your sole responsibility to seek proper professional medical advice for yourself.  All comments and discussions about a specific condition should be understood as a personal testimony or general information that may or may not be relevant or indicated for you specifically.

Make sure you are healthy enough for singing. If you had surgery, are recovering from an accident, illness, or medical condition, suffer from a chronic disease, or are not currently in good health, consult a medical doctor first to know if singing and doing the exercises in the different programs of Colors of Your Voice are appropriate for you.   

Singing is a physical activity involving the whole body. As any physical activity, it may create, precipitate, or aggravate a medical condition already known or unknown to you.

Singing exercises change the way you breathe and add significant pressure in different areas of the body.  Singing also involves important muscle activity. Improper technique in singing may led to temporary or permanent damages, even in otherwise healthy individuals.

Be advised, singing multiplies the risk of transmitting viral infections like Covid-19. Do not sing in public if you tested positive for Covid-19 or display the signs & symptoms of it.  Be aware, being in a room with people singing (like a choir) may expose you to an extraordinary high level of contaminated particles. Follow your local protocol. Be safe, for you and others.

As an indication, and without limiting in any way the scope of what was expressed before, here are a few signs & symptoms you should be aware of:

If you feel pain in your throat or a sharp or pinching sensation, STOP right away. This is NOT normal. It’s a sign your technique is NOT adequate. Dismissing this sensation may lead to permanent damages.

Rasp is a temporary effect that can be applied to the voice in a controlled and healthy way for artistic purposes. If your voice becomes more raspy in general, this is a clear sign of improper technique. This is NOT the way to develop your voice and may very well lead to a chronic condition. If you feel your voice is becoming raspy, STOP.  REST until your voice feels normal.  And then, consult a vocal coach to fine tune your technique. If your voice remains raspy, consult a doctor.

Singers commonly use a breathy tone, momentarily, for artistic purposes. Be aware that maintaining a breathy tone for long periods of time or by applying an improper technique will lead to extreme dryness in the throat and cascade in other problems. Do NOT sing when your throat feels dry.

If you feel tension developing in your neck, jaw, tongue, throat, or chest, this is an indication of imbalance in your technique. These tensions may become a chronic condition and lead to medical problems.

Updated:  March 2022